Friday, September 18, 2009

Is Race the Source of Criticism in Obama's Presidency?

President Obama has been criticized since before he became president. He has been called a communist, socialist, amog other things. His economic plans, and views have been critized, questioned and mocked. It is evident that there is a problem. He has claimed that there is a factor of race invloved, but he assures that this is not the preominant factor. Although he has made remarks where he implies that some voted for him because of his race, and that others did not vote for him becuase of his race, he still believes that his race is not the main cause of him being criticized."He described himself as just the latest in a line of presidents whose motives had been questioned because they were trying to enact major change." Jimmy Carter has said that race has been a major contribution to his criticism and President Obama still denies it.

Obama strongly belives that the criticism is actually due to the fact that the people are truly concerned about their healthcare plans. Since this followed the bailing out of banks and atomobile companies, he belives the discussion and tension grew larger. This tension he says brought the question, "What is the role of governtment in society?" He believes that people question how much influence governemt should have over society. Mr. Obama told CBS News. “Even though we’re having a passionate disagreement here, we can be civil to each other, and we can try to express ourselves acknowledging that we’re all patriots, we’re all Americans and not assume the absolute worst in people’s motives.” Hopefully President Obama is right and that the american people have learned to see through the color of one's skin when criticizeing someone's actions. HHaving doubt and critizicing Mr. Obama's form of goverment is fine, as long as it is based on his true actions and not on his race. You can find the full article in the following link.



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